You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
You can comb your hair and look quite cute
You can hide your face behind a smile
One thing you can’t hide
Is when you’re crippled inside
John Lennon
I think that all of us to some degree want to be "good." We want to do good things. We try to be
helpful and altruistic towards others. We suppress our anger when we would rather tell someone, "like it is." So we try to make ourselves better through resolutions, goals, or perhaps by going to church. And none of these are, in essence, a "bad" thing.
That is one of the most notable characteristics of the Loving - Kindness meditation. Like a nuclear chain reaction you begin with yourself (the neutrons) and add thoughts of love and wellness until you achieve fission. There is no "trying" to do anything. No trying to do good; no resolutions; perhaps only your dedication to "just sit."
Sitting quietly, spine erect, feet planted firmly on the floor,
my tongue lightly touching the back of my top teeth,
my mouth slightly open, rested
I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.
calmly noticing my in breath, my out breath.
When I feel ready, I begin: silently to yourself
May I be well,
May I be happy,
May my mind be at peace